No spacebar here!
You can type without the spacebar! That’s right, you will eliminate 18% of your keystrokes with this one simple trick.
Easy Shorthand!
Save tons of keystrokes by using computer shorthand. Downloadable Cheat Sheet, other easy learning tactics.
We capitalize for you!
Save tons of keystrokes by using computer shorthand. Downloadable Cheat Sheet, other easy learning tactics.
It’s impossible to type as fast as you think!
Consider: stenographers can produce at 200 wpm while us “average typists” check in at about 45 wpm. Make sense now? If we could “type 200” then court reporters would just type.
You may be asking yourself, “why didn’t this product come out years ago?” - our answer: the complexity of the puzzle, “they” didn’t notice the issue, and lack of passionate people to see it through.
Try it free for 30 days !
Experiment, try, be the fastest typist you can be. All for free during the first 30 days.
Download now and start changing how fast you type right away.
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